April 10, 6 pm, University of Auckland Arts 1 Building, Level 2, Room 220.
ITALIAN MOVIES by Matteo Pellegrini (2013, 99 minutes)
(In Italian with English subtitles)
One night in the television studios where a popular television series is produced, the cleaning crew, all immigrants, discover that the armoured door of the room where the camera is kept is open. One of them, Dilip, decides to “borrow” the camera and film his friend’s wedding. Soon the fun escalates and one by one, each of the crew takes the camera and uses it more and more. Contrary to the soaps shot during the day, the night crew shoots real life stories at night.
About the Embassy Film Series
The Dante Alighieri Society and the Italian Programme of the University of Auckland are excited to present a series of recent Italian films, provided by the Italian Embassy. The films, in Italian with English subtitles will be screened from April to September at the University of Auckland, Arts 1, Lecture Theatre 220 at 6pm. Entry is free of charge.
La rassegna é presentata dall’Italian Programme dell’ Universitá di Auckland in collaborazione con la Dante Alighieri. I film verranno proiettati all’Universitá di Auckland, Arts 1, Lecture Theatre 220, alle ore 18.00. Entrata gratis.