Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Italian School Holiday Programme – Autumn 2013 for children 5–12 years old

Giochamo alle 

In compagnia di una vera atleta,
campionessa italiana di karate!
Two days of games, gymnastics and lots of fun
with an Italian athlete and karate champion!

Tuesday 30 April  and  Friday 3 May
 9.30am to 2pm
at Freeman’s Bay Community Centre
52 Hepburn St - Freeman’s Bay

Vi aspettiamo!

Cost: $10.00 Dante members – $15.00 non members
*** Lunch not provided , please bring a packed lunch ***

RSVP by 22 April to  info@dante.org.nz – 09.3763853

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Dante Quiz, che bella serata!

Thank you to all who took part in our Dante Quiz and well done! There were 5 categories: Art, Food and Wine, Cinema, Geography and Music, with 7 teams competing for the prizes. Scroll down to see a few more photos, and our winners!

Great evening with food and fun
Il tavolo dei ragazzi: young Dante members helped to run the event in the evening. Over 20 Dante members worked towards organizing the Dante Quiz

 The winners 

The third classified: I Gattini, prize sponsored by Loacker
(imported by Stewart Alexander and Co. NZ

Second classified: I Padrini, prize sponsored by illy(imported by Stewart Alexander and Co. NZ)

The winning team: I Diavoli Vecchi, who won a cooking class and dinner offered by the Dante

Thank you all for taking part, and see you at the next Dante event!!!
Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©

Friday, March 15, 2013

La politica in Italia

Molto interessante l'incontro in italiano alla Dante per discutere le recenti elezioni e la situazione politica in Italia. Ringraziamo Marco Debenedetti, funzionario presso il Parlamento italiano, per aver illustrato alcuni aspetti storici e attuali del nostro paese.
Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©