Saturday, December 19, 2015

Nuovo Console Onorario per Auckland

From left: Former Honorary Consul Mario Magaraggia, new Consul for Auckland Bernadette Luciano, Italian Ambassador Carmelo Barbarello

Diamo il benvenuto al nuovo Console Onorario per Auckland, Dott.ssa Bernadette Luciano. La Dott.ssa Luciano provvederà servizi consolari ai connazionali per appuntamento. Per maggiori informazioni visitare il sito dell'Ambasciata o contattare:

Dr. Bernadette Luciano
41 Rothesay Bay Road,
Rothesay Bay
Auckland 0630
Tel.+64 (0)21 2323396; +64-(0)9 4760405

The past and present Italian Honorary Consuls for Auckland and Ambassador with some of the members of the Comites

Monday, December 14, 2015

ITALIAN SHORT FILM DAY 2015 - Monday 21st December, 6 pm


Sette corti italiani scelti dal Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio
Seven Italian Short Films chosen by the Italian Short Film Center

University of Auckland Arts 1 (Building 206) Lecture Theatre 220, Monday 21st December, 6 pm. 
Free entry.

Il 21 dicembre è, nell’emisfero boreale, il giorno più corto dell’anno e, come tale, il giorno in cui in tutto il mondo vengono celebrati i cortometraggi. L’iniziativa, nata in Francia nel 2011 dal Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’Image Animée, si è diffusa rapidamente in tutta Europa e arriva oggi a contagiare più di cinquanta Paesi nel mondo. L’idea è di offrire una finestra sul mondo del cortometraggio al pubblico generalista, a chi non frequenta i festival o le occasioni di programmazione più specialistiche. Il Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio propone un programma di corti italiani recenti, fatto di generi e formati diversi tra loro. Un programma per il grande pubblico, in grado però di dare un’idea di dove il giovane cinema italiano stia andando e quali saranno le tendenze di domani.
December 21 is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and as a result the day short films are celebrated worldwide, a tradition initiated by the Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’Image Animée in France in 2011. This year the screenings will be concurrently featured in 50 countries around the world with the aim of showcasing short films to a general public. The Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio (the Italian Short Film Center) sponsors this year's event with a program of recent Italian shorts of various genres that provide an overview of directions and trends by young Italian filmmakers.

I film in programma / Film program:

L’attesa del maggio (The Wait of May)
di/by Simone Massi, 2014, 8’ - animazione/animation

Il maggio, il merlo: si nascondono al momento del canto.

The month of May, the blackbird: they hide while they sing.

La salita (The Ascent)
di/by Francesca Barison, 2015, 10’ - fiction

Un giovane soldato della Prima Guerra Mondiale si ritrova sperduto tra i boschi, mentre attorno a lui infuria il conflitto. Inizierà così il suo allontanamento dalla guerra verso una sorta di ricongiungimento con la natura, che si tramuterà in un viaggio dantesco dall’inferno al paradiso. La sua anima sarà accompagnata dalla figura effimera del vecchio pastore, la sua guida, attraverso la natura immensa e maestosa delle Alpi.

A young soldier of the First World War tries to escape from war to reach the safeness; his journey it will be the passage of his soul from hell (war and humanity) to heaven, through the magnificent nature of the Alps. His spirit will be accompanied by the evanescent figure of the old shepherd, who will be the soldier’s guide.

E.T.E.R.N.I.T (id.)
di/by Giovanni Aloi, 2015, 14’ - fiction

Un immigrato tunisino, al lavoro per la rimozione dell’amianto, e una donna italiana. Due differenti solitudini che si incontrano in un rapporto ad orologeria.

Italy, during the year 2015, Ali, a tunisian immigrant working in asbestos removal receives the visa which will allows his wife and daughter to join him. To get ready to welcome his family, he must do a radical choice.

Lo so che mi senti (I know you can hear me)
di/by Francesca Mazzoleni, 2014, 16’ - fiction

Michele e Tommy sono un padre e un figlio uniti da una particolarità: sono entrambi sordi. Questo, però, non vuol dire che l’uno riesca a capire davvero i bisogni e i sentimenti dell’altro. In un viaggio in macchina ai confini della notte, Michele cercherà di portarsi via suo figlio per ricominciare una nuova vita insieme e, anche se tutto sembra andare storto, riuscirà per la prima volta ad ascoltarlo davvero.

Michele and Tommy are a father and a son united by the same particularity: they are both deaf. However, this does not mean that they truly understand each other’s needs and feelings. In a journey by car to the end of the night, Michele will try to take away his son to start a new life together.

Mamma mia (id.)
di/by Milena Tipaldo, Francesca Marinelli, 2014, 7’ – animazione/animation

In due episodi personali (Buon sangue non mente di Milena Tipaldo e Mamma triceratopo di Francesca Marinelli) le autrici raccontano con humor e tenerezza le loro madri e il peso indiscutibile della loro eredità.

In two personal episodes (‘Blood will out’ and ‘Mommy Triceratops’) the authors tell us, with humor and tenderness, about their mothers and the weight of their indisputable legacy.

Ménage à trois
di/by Emanuele Daga, 2015, 13’ - fiction

Un giorno come un altro per Laura, finchè l'amore non bussa alla sua porta... nulla però potrà evitare la sventura.

It’s a day like anyone else for Laura, until love knocks at her door… nothing, however, will prevent misfortune!

Frankie (Italian Roulette)
di/by Francesco Mazza, 2015, 19’ - fiction

La vita e i tormenti di Frankie, un giovane immigrato italiano con un passato difficile, arrivato a New York per vivere il sogno americano.

The struggle of an italian 30-something immigrant to live his American Dream in New York City.

Italian Short Film Day 2015 è realizzato

con il sostegno di:
Direzione Generale Cinema –MiBACT
Regione Piemonte
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino

in collaborazione con:
Accademia del cinema italiano – Premi David di Donatello
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Dip. Animazione, sede del Piemonte
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Production
Sindacato Nazionale Critici Cinematografici Italiani
Sindacato Nazionale Giornalisti Cinematografici Italiani


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Last Chamber Music Concert for the year

A programme of 18th-century chamber music.
Programme includes:

Beethoven, Allegretto WoO 39 for piano trio

Fiala, Duo Concertante in F for flute and cello

Haydn, "London Trio" in C for flute, violin and cello

Hummel, Sonata in D for flute and piano

Performers are Milena Parobczy (violin), Paul van Houtte (cello), Luca Manghi (flute), David Kelly (piano)

Door sales:
Tickets $30 / $25 for Dante Alighieri Society Members / $10 for students

Refreshments will be served after the concert.

Sunday 22 November

at 6:00pm

St Luke's Church Remuera

Monday, November 16, 2015

Mercatino di Natale 2015, photos

Thank you to all who attended our first Mercatino di Natale (Italian Christmas market). What a success! We were so busy that we didn't have time to take too many photos (especially of the Christmas trees), so if you have some feel free to send some to 


A big Grazie you to our Sponsor

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Join us for the last film of the year on FRIDAY 6 NOVEMBER 6pm, at the University of Auckland, Arts 1 (Building 206), Lecture Theatre 209. Parking: Owen G Glenn Building, Via Grafton Rd opposite Stanley St.
To commemorate the centenary of the first World War, Ermano Olmi’s film was screened simultaneousely in over 120 locations worldwide on the 6th of November 2014, precisely 100 years after the beginning of the Great War. The film received eight nominations at the 2015 David di Donatello Awards, including best film and best director.
Ermanno Olmi’s film revisits the famous battle of Asiago fought between Austrian and Italian forces on the Alpine front. The scene takes place during a single night in 1917 on the Italian Northeastern front. The story that develops, based on real events, is unpredictable: it shows the long idle moments of the war, where, possessed by fear, at times one can only sing. The peaceful scenery of the snowy mountains becomes a place of death and sorrow.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Mercatino di Natale - Italian Christmas Market


Come to the Mercatino di Natale for all your Italian Xmas shopping and save! Traditional Italian Christmas food and sweets, Italian books and gifts, nativity sets and Christmas tree decorations, crafts and pre-loved Italian clothes and accessories. Italian coffee and pastries plus wood fired pizza  will be available on the day, so bring the whole family for an Italian Xmas experience.
mercatino gif

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The final Festival Italiano concert, the after-party


Last night we concluded the Italian Festival Season with a Chamber Music Concert with the Donizetti Trio. It was a wonderful evening of music, followed by Italian drinks and food.
Thank you to our sponsors for the night, Prosecco Borgo San Leo, Birra Peroni and Aperol, to the volunteers of the Dante Alighieri Society who helped with after party, and to our wonderful musicians Luca Manghi, Ben Hoadley David Kelly

ProseccoBorgosanleo Peroni-ItaliaAperol Logo

Saturday, October 17, 2015

XV settimana della lingua nel mondo: dal 19 - 24 Ottobre scarica gratis il volume "L'italiano della musica nel mondo"

La Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo è l’evento di promozione dell’italiano come grande lingua di cultura classica e contemporanea, che la rete culturale e diplomatica della Farnesina organizza ogni anno, nella terza settimana di ottobre, intorno a un tema che serve da filo rosso per conferenze, mostre e spettacoli, incontri con scrittori e personalità.
Il tema scelto per la XV edizione della Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo, che avrà luogo dal 19 al 24 ottobre 2015, è Italiano della musica, musica dell'italiano

Per questa edizione della Settimana della Lingua Italiana l'Accademia della Crusca ha curato il volume dal titolo "L'italiano della musica nel mondo". Il volume costa 4,99 €, ma dal 19 al 24 ottobre 2015 (durante la settimana della lingua) sarà possibile scaricare gratuitamente il formato ebook.
 Il Link e’ il seguente:

Monday, October 12, 2015

Festival Italiano Concert Finale: The Donizetti Trio

We conclude the Italian Festival season in Auckland with a special concert:
A night with the Donizetti Trio
The Donizetti Trio presents the second concert of the Festival Italiano 2015.

Featuring Dame Gillian Whitehead's "Venetian Mornings", a tribute to Jack Body.

Also includes music by Vivaldi, Donizetti, Respighi, De Lorenzo and Sgrizzi.

"The Donizetti Trio is an instrumental group of high order and, with such capable hands as these players from Auckland and imaginative programming, the flute and bassoon are particularly well-matched for their tonal colours..." 
(NZ Herald)
The Donizetti Trio:
Luca Manghi, flute
Ben Hoadley, bassoon
David Kelly, piano
St Luke’s Church, 130 Renuera Road, Auckland
17 October 2015, 7:30pm
Tickets sold at the door $30 ($25 for Dante Members)
A light refreshment will be served after the concert.

ProseccoBorgosanleo Peroni-ItaliaAperol Logo

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Two seminars with visiting Italian professor and author Luciano Marrocu

The University of Auckland is presenting two seminars with visiting Italian professor Luciano Marrocu: Fascism on the periphery and Italian Postcolonial Literature: Ennio Flaiano’s Time to Kill. Please scroll down for more details.

School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics
European Languages & Literatures
Research Seminar

Fascism on the periphery

Luciano Marrocu
For the Italian Fascist regime, totalitarianism was more of an aspiration than a reality, particularly because the project of nationalization had to contend with the continuing existence—and in some cases resistance—of different Italies, which jealously guarded their distinctiveness. Following the March on Rome, the regime’s project of domination had to deal with local élites, especially in the South. In only some Northern and Central areas, where the Fascist movement was strongest, could the regime count on social classes whose vision of a new Italy matched its own. Not all Italians would embrace Mussolini’s project of forging a New Italian Man.

In most of the South the regime had to deal with social classes whose histories were vastly different from those whence Fascism emerged. These Southern classes’ version of Fascism introduced attitudes, points of view, and habits that were perceived by the Centre, i.e. Rome, almost as acts of resistance to the totalitarian project.
Sardinia is a particularly useful case for examining how the Center-periphery relationship played out. As a large island located far from the Italian peninsula, Sardinia represents an extreme case, at least in the Italian context, of a remoteness that is defined not only by its geography. 

Monday 19 October 5-6.30 pm 
Arts 1 260-220

Italian Postcolonial Literature: Ennio Flaiano’s Time to Kill

Ennio Flaiano is internationally known for his collaboration with Federico Fellini, for whom he crafted the scripts of many movies during the fifties and sixties, including La Dolce Vita. More recently Flaiano has attracted the attention of post-colonial scholars for his 1947 novel Tempo di uccidere upon which Giuliano Montaldo’s 1989 film “Time to Kill,” starring Nicholas Cage and Giancarlo Giannini, is based. This novel recounts some of  Flaiano’s real-life experiences in the Italo-Ethiopian war, a conflict that resulted in Ethiopia’s subjection to Italian rule. Between November 1935 and May 1936, the 25-year-old Flaiano served as a lieutenant while taking the first steps in his literary career by keeping a sort of diary, Aethiopia. Notes for a Pop Song, which would be the basis for his 1947 novel. In the novel, he portrays an anguished Italian officer who  survives the Ethiopian war.
This lecture will follow Flaiano’s itinerary as laid out in the war diary up to the actual writing of the novel, which is recognized today as the first radical condemnation of colonialism in Italian literature.

Wednesday 21 October 4-5:30 pm 
Owen G Glen Building 260-220

Luciano Marrocu is Professor of Modern History at the University of Cagliari. His research fields include the history of the British Labour Party, the Fabian Society, and the life and writings of George Orwell. Notable publications on these topics include Il modello laburista (The Labourist Model, 1985); Il salotto della signora Webb (Mrs. Webb’s Sitting Room,1992); and Orwell: la solitudine di uno scrittore (Orwell: a Writer’s Loneliness, 2009). He has also written a seminal essay on fascism in Sardinia in the canonical History of Italy 1998.
Luciano is also a renowned fiction writer. To date he has published seven novels, most of which are set during the fascist regime. These constitute an alternative means of exploring the fascist epoch as a complement to his academic research in this field.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Italian Movie this month: Silvio Soldini's PER ALTRI OCCHI/THROUGH OTHER EYES

Embassy of Italy Italian Film series continues with a SPECIAL EVENT FOR INTERNATIONAL WORLD SIGHT DAY: Italy's 2013 Best Documentary winner: Silvio Soldini's PER ALTRI OCCHI/THROUGH OTHER EYES: University of Auckland Arts 1 (Building 206) Lecture Theatre 220, October 9, 6 pm. Free entry.

THROUGH OTHER EYES is the lively and surprising film about a group of extraordinary and determined blind individuals These ten intimate and moving stories, far removed from the cliches associated with blindness introduce us to ten talented protagonists who speak of their passions and challenges; a film that in turn challenges our preconceived notions of blindness and its limitations.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Il gioco dell'elastico alla Dante Auckland

Il gioco dell'elastico alla scuola italiana per bambini della Società Dante Alighieri di Auckland. Piace da matti!

A traditional Italian game 'il gioco dell'elastico' at the Italian school for children at the Dante Alighieri 

For info about our children's classes click here

Wednesday, September 30, 2015