Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Save the date! L’Impresario, Mozart’s operetta on stage

Sunday 4 December, 7:00 pm
Next month the Dante Alighieri Auckland, with the
support of the Dante Alighieri Society in Rome, is staging
Mozart’s operetta The Impresario, with the original
libretto of Gottlieb Stephanie adapted by Matteo Telara
to be half in English and half in Italian.

Direction and adaptation: Matteo Telara
Pianist: David Kelly
Actors/singers: Thomas Røsholl, Te Ohorere Williams,
Maeve Herd, Matteo Telara
After the operetta there will be a refreshment, and a
Christmas Function to celebrate the end of another year
together at the Dante!
Sunday 4 December 2022, 7.00 pm
Theatre of the Freemans Bay Community Centre
1st Floor, 52 Hepburn Street, Auckland

Monday, November 21, 2022

An Italian language immersion programme for everyone!

5 Day Summer Italian Intensive Course

Wednesday 25 – Sunday 29 January 2023

Suitable to all levels of Italian, from absolute beginners to advanced speakers
Freeman’s Bay Primary School, 95 Wellington Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland
Course Fee: $280
Times: Wed to Sat 9:30am – 12:30pm, with Italian movie on Thursday afternoon (2pm)
Sun 10:00am – 1.30pm with lunch
This programme combines formal lessons with conversation and activities.
The course fees include: all lessons and activities, morning coffee, Sunday lunch, and Italian movie on Thursday afternoon.
Places are limited, please see the enrolment form for booking and deposit.


Tuesday, November 15, 2022



Ciao a tutti!

As you might already know, this year, Dante is putting together an operetta: “The Impresario”, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!

The operetta will take place on the 4th of December at 7:00 pm, in our Auditorium, and it will be followed by food and drinks. It will be our Christmas function! (You are welcome to bring a plate, btw) 😊

This year operetta will be in both English and Italian, so both Italian and English speakers, and both the Italian and Kiwi community will able to attend, enjoy and understand it!!!

Here is a list of props we might need.

If you have any of these items and want to contribute to the success of this year's operetta, please contact Matteo by email: matteotelara@gmail.com

It will be much appreciated!

  • 2 sedie da salotto o 2 poltrone o/e 1 divano          

  (2 lounge chairs or 2 easy chairs or/and 1 sofa)

  • 1 tavolinetto (1 coffee table)

  • 1 attaccapanni a stelo

(1 hatstand)

  • 1 specchio

(1 standing mirror)

Monday, November 14, 2022

Photos of Festival Italiano 2022


Bellissimo Festival Italiano ❤️🇮🇹 thank you to the organisers Festival Italiano - Auckland Newmarketnz Only Events, to all our Dante Auckland friends who volonteered at out stand 🇮🇹, to La Marzocco NZ for the coffee 🙌☕️ and everyone who attended. You can find the Dante FB photo album by clicking here.

#festivalitalianoauckland #festivalitalianonz

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Dante Auckland Stand at the Festival Italiano Kent St, Newmarket, 13 November 2022, 11am - 5pm

Come and say ciao at our Dante stand at the Festival Italiano! This year, in addition to the usual info about language classes and Italian activities, on our stand we will have the much loved ‘Buongiorno Kiwi’ merchandise for sale: T-shirts, aprons and tea towels. Plus there will be Alessandra’s cookbook at the special Festival price of $20 (usually $35) and coffee made with La Marzocco! All profits to the Dante School! Vi aspettiamo al Festival!


Friday, November 4, 2022