Saturday, February 17, 2024

Colazione e Scambiamoceli

Save the date for the next Colazione and Scambiamoceli (Italian book exchange). Come along with a book or more, or just pop by to browse and meet new people. All welcome!

Dante Rooms
Freemans Bay Community Centre
Saturday 24 February
Colazione in Room 1: 10am - 12pm
Book exchange in Room 2: 10:30am - 12pm
For info about the Italian book exchange contact Beatrice on 02108180191

Friday, February 16, 2024

Ritorna il Cantstorie

 Il prossimo appuntamento con il nostro amatissimo Cantastorie sarà:

Domenica 25 febbraio, 10 am - 12.00 pm.
Per prenotarsi mandare un’email a
ed effettuare il pagamento di $20.00 (più fratellino o
sorellina a $10) online
a/c: 020192-0309263-00, with ref: bambini