Thursday, February 26, 2015

Special offer for Dante members and wine lovers: Italian style Pinot Gris, produced here in New Zealand!

Welcome to our newest Business Friend of Dante: use your Dante membership card and get 10% off Cracroft Chase Vineyard wines!

Cracroft Chase Vineyard in Christchurch is a destination for tourists and locals alike. At 15 minutes from the centre of the town, it’s nestled at the foot of the Port Hills, in a cul-de-sac valley that provides an ideal microclimate for growing Pinot Gris grapes.
Alessandro and Wilma Laryn immigrated from Italy in 1996, bought this lovely property, and then established the vineyard on 5 hectares (13 acres) of their land; the winery was built, and eventually after the earthquakes the Cellar Door was opened.

“We prefer to call ourselves an artisan winery, more than a boutique winery; it reflects the artisan attention with which the grapes are grown and handpicked, and how the wine is crafted”.

The summer workers and the harvest pickers are, in true Italian style, neighbours and friends. At the end of each harvest a communal picnic celebrates the season. When the work in the winery is finished, the wine is left in the tanks for at least 8 months before being bottled, and then aged in bottles for at least 3 years before release. Both vineyard and winery are certified sustainable by Sustainable New Zealand Winegrowing.

The two Pinot Gris produced at Cracroft Chase are different in style: Grey Pearl is well suited for lunch, Wood’s Edge is more for dinner. However personal taste can dictate otherwise! Both are dry, mouth filling, and have a long finish. Both have won international awards, including silver medals. They are very genuine, and will easy become a staple of your cellar or fridge!

Dante members can enjoy a 10% discount with Cracroft Chase Vineyard

Send an e-mail with your Dante membership number and your order, including delivery address and contact phone number to: 
Ph (03) 337 9339

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Ambasciata d’Italia

(Auckland, 27 marzo 2015)

Gentile connazionale,
venerdi’ 27 marzo prossimo, l’Amb. Barbarello sarà ad Auckland e con l’occasione sara’ disponibile a rilevare le impronte digitali ai fini del successivo rilascio del passaporto.
La invitiamo pertanto a registrarsi e prendere appuntamento mediante l’apposito servizio “Prenota l’appuntamento” presente sul sito web dell’Ambasciata
Data:                 venerdi’ 27 marzo
Fasce orarie:   dalle ore 12.00 alle ore 17.00.
Si prega di prendere il primo appuntamento libero online, in stretta successione.
Luogo: Dante Alighieri Society of Auckland (entrata principale, primo piano)
Freemans Bay Community Centre
52 Hepburn Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland
Documenti:     come indicato in calce
Si prega di voler rispettare l’orario fissato per l’appuntamento.
Eventuali altri questioni consolari potranno essere sottoposte durante il normale orario di lavoro scrivendo o telefonando in Ambasciata.
N.B. Si prega di portare con sé la seguente documentazione:
-                passaporto italiano in scadenza (massimo 6 mesi prima della scadenza) o scaduto;
-                2 foto passaporto;
-                Domanda compilata e firmata;
-                Assenso dell’altro genitore (se il richiedente ha figli minori);
-                Importo in contanti o bank cheque intestato all’Ambasciata d’Italia: NZ$ 186.00.
Parcheggi: parcheggi in strada, parcheggio gratuito di fronte e accanto
(entrata Pratt St) alla Dante

Ambasciata d’Italia

(Auckland, March 27th, 2015)

Dear Italian national,
Ambassador Barbarello will be in Auckland on Friday 27th March, 2015 and on that occasion he will be available to take fingerprints for the electronic passport. You are therefore kindly asked to register/book an appointment on the Embassy’s website (Auckland – Consular Officer on a Mission)

Date:                 Friday 27th March
Time:                from 12.00 until 5.00 pm. Please book online for the first available slot.
Place:                Dante Alighieri Society of Auckland (main entry, then upstairs)
Freemans Bay Community Centre
52 Hepburn Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland
Documents:     As indicated below
Please ensure your punctual attendance.
In case of queries relating to other consular matters, we would be grateful if you could submit those to the Embassy during normal working hours.

N.B.  Please bring the following documentation with you:
-                valid ID document;
-                Italian passport (if you have one) no more than 6 months before its expiry date;
-                2 passport photos;
-                Application form duly filled in and signed;
-                Consent form (if the applicant has minor children);
-                NZ 186.00 (exact amount in cash or bank cheque in the name of the Italian Embassy).

Parking: on the street, beside and opposite the Dante Alighieri

Monday, February 23, 2015

Happy Easter to all Dante members with this 30% discount on selected Sicilian products

To celebrate Easter Italian style our new Business Friend of Dante Italian Foodies is offering a special 30% off these delicious products from Sicily.

Sicily is famous all around the world for its beauty and rich ingredients. ​
Italian Foodies (
IF) offers for Easter authentic Sicilian products true to tradition and local craftsmanship.

IF Easter Specials include:

 Organic oil made with 100% Italian olives grown on the uncontaminated slopes of Iblei Mountain in Sicily's deep South.

"Torron​e​"or nougat, ​​inspired by the Sicilian tradition, made exclusively with Sicilian ​ingredients: sesame, pistachio and almond. All locally sourced.

 Artichoke paté, a symbol of spring in Italy! The edible thistles' powerful vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are packed into this versatile paté to use on bruschetta, toast or an ideal accompaniment to barbecued and roasted meat. 

 Sweet almond cream that can be used in many different ways: mixed with yoghurt, used as a topping on your gelato, or to garnish cupcakes and biscuits.

Enjoy Easter with Italian Foodies!
For more products, recipes, and latest news from Italy 
send an e-mail with your Dante membership number and your order to:
Ph (09) 213 2270 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Dante members can be 'Italian Foodies' with a 10% discount!

The Dante Auckland is please to introduce a new business friend, Italian Foodiesa young company created by Maria Giulia Pozzi, an Italian woman who believes in her cultural heritage.

“I am convinced that local tradition, values and attention to quality are key to creating the finest products”

During her time as a journalist, Maria Giulia developed a strong understanding of the artisan food industry in her native country, visiting international and local markets, speaking with producers, tasting the fine products, visiting canteens in Italy and writing about food and wine for various newspapers and publications.

Maria Giulia recently married a Kiwi, moved to New Zealand, and her enthusiasm for food and wine has become her life’s work. Italian Foodies offers a wonderful selection of the best Italian products such as truffle, porcini mushroom, extra virgin olive oil, vegetable products and meat sauces as well as ready-made swordfish fillet, amberjack roe and many types of pasta.

Among IF’s (Italian Foodies) special products is Modica chocolate from Sicily, which has its origins dating back to the Aztec era. This unique chocolate has never gone into industrial production, preserving the centuries’ old processes and purity of ingredients that give authentic craftsmanship in its manufacture. Made with only two key base ingredients, this product contains all the taste that you expect from true chocolate.

Dante members can enjoy a 10% discount with Italian Foodies

Send an e-mail with your Dante membership number and your order to:
Ph (09) 213 2270

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Free GAPS ARTS course in Auckland to celebrate the 750th anniversary of Dante's birth

Dante. Detail from fresco by Domenico di Michelino,
Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence
This year marks the 750th anniversary of the birth of Italian poet Dante Aligheri in Florence. While the exact date of his birth is unknown, it is generally accepted to be around 1265.
To mark this occasion, Faculty of Arts alumnus Dr John Lewis will be offering a public course of reading through the Divine Comedy — widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature — in its entirety.
All three books will be read over an impressive schedule of Monday evenings: Hell in the first half of 2015, Purgatory in the second half, and Paradise in the first half of 2016. Sessions will run from 7:30-9:00pm.
Previous knowledge of the poem is not necessary and notes for guidance through each session have been specially prepared. There will also be time for discussion.
In June the anniversary will be marked by two additional lectures on Dante. This course and its associated lectures will be run through the GAPS ARTS program, a tertiary level forum on European art and architecture, poetry and literature, philosophy and theology, medieval heritage, and vernacular building.
Enrolments for the course should be made by 22 February, but can be accepted at the first session on Monday 2 March. To enrol phone +64 9 828 5579 or email
The course is free, but donations can be made.

Find out more at GAPS ARTS.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Posto di lavoro all'Ambasciata Italiana - Wellington

Cari connazionali, 
sull’albo consolare dell’Ambasciata, consultabile anche attraverso il sito istituzionale ( , versione in italiano, In Linea con l’Utente – Albo Consolare ) è stato pubblicato il bando per la selezione di un nuovo impiegato locale da assumere in Ambasciata. 

Cliccare sul link per maggiori informazioni:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dante AGM - 14 February, with special guest Italian Ambassador Carmelo Barbarello

Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our Annual General Meeting will be held at 10.00am on Saturday 14 February at the Dante Rooms at Freeman’s Bay Community Centre, 52 Hepburn St, Freemans Bay.

Special guest: Italian Ambassador Carmelo Barbarello.

This is a chance for everyone to find out about how Dante is run, and to have a chat over a coffee & cornetto after the formal meeting finishes. All welcome!

Ci vediamo!

The Dante Team