Tuesday, November 19, 2019

#HelpVenice - the campaign to help Venice

If you like to send a contribution to the city of Venice, devastated by sever flooding: 

for donations via bank transfer:

Account: Comune di Venezia - Emergenza acqua altaReference: contributo emergenza acquaPer bonifici effettuati dall'Italia:IBAN: IT 24 T 03069 02117 100000 018767for bank transfers from overseas:IBAN: IT 24 T 03069 02117 100000 018767 BIC: BCITITMMFor donations with credit card


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo - Week of Italian Cuisine in the World

  • The Italian Embassy in Wellington is pleased to announce the 4th edition of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World. Check out the events all across New Zealand from 18th to 24th of November. 
    La quarta edizione della Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo comincia domani, lunedì 18 novembre, con una serie di eventi in diverse città della Nuova Zelanda organizzati e/o sostenuti dall'Ambasciata d'Italia a Wellington. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mercatino di Natale 2019!

Our annual Mercatino di Natale (Italian Xmas Market) is back! See you all on Saturday 14th December for a day of fun, to meet up before the holidays, exchange greetings and best wishes for the Season, for shopping and eating together, e per parlare italiano!

Mercatino di Natale is Free Entry and run as a not-for-profit.

This beautiful poster was designed by Nicoletta Benella di Arte Mani Studio

Monday, November 4, 2019