As you know, the Dante Alighieri Society of Auckland has become an official examination centre – the only one in New Zealand – for PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri – Dante Alighieri Italian Language Project) exams, that certifies competence in Italian as a foreign language. The first exams took place in June, and the second – and last – session of 2021 is going to be held from Monday the 22nd November.
This session is exclusively for “Plida B1 CITTADINANZA (citizenship)”: it will involve only the speaking module (parlare) and it can only be used to support the application for Italian citizenship.
Please note “Plida B1 CITTADINANZA” is not equivalent to a full Plida certification: it will be only issued in this particular time, affected by the global pandemic, to apply for Italian citizenship.
If you need it to apply to Italian universities, for jobs, or as an official language certificate, you need to apply to the standard PLIDA exam.
Dante Auckland is not organizing any other session in 2021.
For more information and to register your interest for the November session, please send us an email at with PLIDA in the subject line.