Saturday, March 30, 2024

Bollettino di aprile

Il bollettino di aprile è in rete, cliccare qui.

The April bulletin is online, click here.


Monday, March 25, 2024

New course in May: Caravaggio in Rome: The Painter and the City 1500 – 1600 (Course in Italian)

With Riccardo Lucignani
Four lessons in May
Quattro lezioni a maggio
Sunday/domenica 5 - 12 - 19 - 26 May/maggio
2:30pm - 4pm 
Dante Rooms
Freemans Bay Community Centre
52 Hepburn St, Freemans Bay

Cost $90 for the whole course (four classes)
To book a place please send an email to and pay by bank transfer to Società Dante Alighieri BNZ a/c 020192-0309263-00 with the reference "LASTNAME/Caravaggio”.

(Italiano - scroll down for English)

CARAVAGGIO a ROMA: il pittore e la città tra la fine del ‘500 e gli inizi del ‘600.

Un corso per chi sta progettando di andare a Roma, per chi ci è stato e vuole rinnovare i suoi ricordi e per chi fantastica un viaggio in Italia!

Questo corso breve, quattro lezioni di 90 minuti, è pensato per tutte le persone interessate all’arte, all’architettura e alla bellezza della città di Roma.

Durante le lezioni interattive settimanali, potrete apprendere e parlare di come la Città eterna ha formato una delle più importanti e controverse figure del Barocco e potrete scoprire le sue opere ancora oggi nelle chiese di Roma.

Se stai cercando ulteriore pratica della lingua italiana o se sei un beginner che vuole iniziare il suo percorso attraverso l’amore per i viaggi e per l’arte, sarai ispirato da questo corso che riporta Caravaggio e Roma di quel periodo di nuovo alla vita pulsante.



Caravaggio in Rome: The Painter and the City 1500 – 1600.
A course for all lovers of Italian art, language and culture.

This short course of 4 x 90 minute workshops is designed for anyone interested in art, architecture and the beautiful city that is Rome. Through the weekly interactive lessons, you will discover and discuss how the eternal city shaped one of the most important and controversial figures of the Baroque era and the works of art that you can still visit in Rome today. Whether you are an Italian learner looking for extra practice or a new beginner wanting to start their language journey through a love of travel and art, you will be inspired by a course that brings both Rome and Caravaggio to vibrant life.

Friday, March 22, 2024

A colazione con... Italo Calvino!!!


On the 27th of April, for our monthly Colazione alla Dante, Professor Bruno Ferraro will talk about Italian writer Italo Calvino, assisted, as usual, by Colazione's host Matteo Telara.

A few words from Professor Ferraro: 

"I have had the honour to meet Italo Calvino in Urbino in 1982, two years before he was due to present the Norton Lectures at Harvard; he discussed them, not long before he left this planet, with Jorge Luis Borges  - who had delivered his lectures a few years earlier; they had met in Rome in 1984 and one can only fathom what the proverbial fly on the wall would have caught of their conversation. Borges from Brasil, Calvino from Cuba – yes, he was born there though San Remo was his Italian home, the pigna (pine cone) - which one meets on the way to the township - symbolizes his attachment to the Ligurian region and to “Villa Meridiana” where his parents, both botanists, taught him to appreciate plant and landscapes which, later, became such an essential part of his writings".

Looking forward to see you on the 27th of April, in Dante's rooms, at 10am.

Dante's Team

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Membership fees for 2024 and President Report

Dear Friends,

It is time to renew your Dante membership. At the last AGM, held on 2 March 2024, the committee has decided that there will be no changes on membership fees for 2024.
We would like to invite all current members to renew their membership, this can be done online with a bank transfer to Società Dante Alighieri BNZ a/c 020192-0309263-00 with the reference "LASTNAME/MSHIP”.
Language students can also pay by eftpos when they attend classes.

If you like you can also add a donation to the Society with your membership. The Dante Alighieri Society of Auckland is a registered charity with ‘donee’ status, and we can provide receipts for your donations on request. 

Any donation, no matter how small, greatly helps us with the day to day running of our society.
Grazie for all your donations!
The current annual subscription for membership (including GST) is: Single membership - $30 per person Couples or family - $40 per couple or family Seniors and tertiary students - $15 per person

Children up to 18 years of age come under Student or Family membership.

Vi ricordiamo che la Società Dante Alighieri è una Charity e che come tale accettiamo con entusiasmo le vostre donazioni e volontariato. 
Le donazioni possono essere dedotte dalle tasse e permettono alla nostra Società di offrire classi, attività ed eventi culturali.

President Report

Cari amici e soci Dante Auckland,

Welcome to our 2024 AGM and thank you all for being here today. 

It has been a privilege for me to spend this past year as the President of Dante Alighieri Society of Auckland.

Having been part of the Committee for the last ten years, I have been very much involved in all the activities of the Society and throughout these years, I have witnessed the genuine affection of our members and students, who continue to support our community and school. 

First and foremost, I extend my gratitude to all of them. I personally experienced the kindness of our members and students when our school’s rooms were affected by flooding last year. Many of them came forward to help cleaning up the rooms. We are deeply thankful for your assistance in that occasion and for your ongoing support.

I also extend my thanks to all our committee members and teachers who with tenacity and passion run the school and its numerous activities. 

This year will see the departure of Kerri Fergusson from our Committee. Kerri has been a valued member for several years. Always ready to lend a hand, embracing any challenges with a fun and proactive attitude. We have all loved working with Kerri, and we wish her the very best for her new exciting commitments in Hamilton and Wellington. 

In 2023 our Committee has been involved in the promotion of the FIFA Women World Cup where we have been appointed as ‘Community Champion’. We engaged with the Italian community to support the tournament and promoted it across our social media platforms. The Tournament and the Multicultural Fan Engagement program was an outstanding success, bringing joy and excitement to all involved.

We welcome more and more of these international events in Aotearoa.

Additionally, we continued our ‘Cantastorie’ appointments for Italian children on the last Sunday of each month implementing it with special workshops dedicated to the ‘Teatro d’Ombre’.

Thanks to the support of the Sede Centrale della Società Dante Alighieri of Rome, we organised a festa for the Italian families and children at the end of the workshop. We were amazed by the success of the event and delighted to see how many Italian families are living in Auckland.

To all of them, we would like to renew our warm invitation to join us. We value your input, and we would like to explore new ways for sharing our cultural heritage. Our doors are open! Families and children have always been very dear to the Dante Auckland, and we believe that there can be many more opportunities for us to grow together. 

Our beloved Colazione continued throughout the year featuring many interesting talks dedicated to Italian Arts and Literature. I would like to acknowledge Matteo Telara’s commitment and dedication for organising the majority of these talks. We have also recently introduced a ‘books exchange’ during our Colazione events which has proven to be very popular and is a lovely way to catchup and share a few chats in Italian.

Although we missed The Festival Italiano this year, we look forward to welcoming it back soon. In the meantime, our Mercatino di Natale was a great success, we enjoyed the festive atmosphere and all the delicious products on offer. The perfect way to close the year. 

From the financial point of view, the Society did slightly better compared to 2022 but unfortunately did not break even as our treasurer, Valeria Santillo, will explain shortly.

Nevertheless, for 2024 we remain committed to expand our opportunities of getting together through new events and activities. We hope to count on the involvement and the support of all our members and I am pleased to communicate that our membership fees will remain unchanged for 2024.

Grazie a tutti,

Flavia Berucci  


Società Dante Alighieri Auckland

Friday, March 1, 2024