Monday, March 10, 2025

It is time to renew your Dante membership


Use your Dante membership card to receive discounts in museums, historic sites, hotels, restaurants and more. The full list is here.

Dear Friends,


It is time to renew your Dante membership. At the last AGM, held on 8th of March 2025, the committee has decided that there will be no changes on membership fees for 2025. 

We would like to invite all current members to renew their membership, this can be done online with a bank transfer to:


Società Dante Alighieri BNZ a/c 020192-0309263-00 with the reference "LASTNAME/MSHIP”. 

Language students can also pay by eftpos when they attend classes.

If you like you can also add a donation to the Society with your membership. The Dante Alighieri Society of Auckland is a registered charity with ‘donee’ status, and we can provide receipts for your donations on request. Any donation, no matter how small, greatly helps us with the day to day running of our society. 

Vi ricordiamo che la Società Dante Alighieri è una Charity e che come tale accettiamo con entusiasmo le vostre donazioni e volontariato. 

Le donazioni possono essere dedotte dalle tasse e permettono alla nostra Società di offrire classi, attività ed eventi culturali.

Grazie for all your donations!


The current annual subscription for membership (including GST) is: 

Single membership - $30 per person 

Couples or family - $40 per couple or family 

Seniors and tertiary students - $15 per person


Children up to 18 years of age come under Student or Family membership.