Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Perduti nei Quartieri Spagnoli - Lost in the Spanish Quarter

To end the Italian Festival Season in Auckland, and to celebrate the International Week of the Italian Language, the Dante Alighieri Society of Auckland is pleased to invite friends and members to the book presentation of Lost in the Spanish Quarter, by Dante Auckland member Heddi Goodrich
Una ragazza americana a Napoli, ma non una delle tante. Heddi, studentessa di glottologia all’Istituto Universitario Orientale, non è venuta per un rapido giro nel folclore, ma per un’immersione che la porta ad avere della città, della lingua, del dialetto una conoscenza profonda, impressionante, che nasce dall’empatia, da un bisogno di radicamento e dall’entusiasmo della giovinezza…
Join us after the presentation for A colazione with Heddi!
Saturday 26 October, 10:00am – 12:00pm, Dante Alighieri Society, 52 Hepburn Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland
Heddi Goodrich, originally from Washington, D.C., spent over a decade wising up in Naples, where she graduated from the city’s Orientale Institute before moving to Auckland. Her debut novel, Lost in the Spanish Quarter, is a love story set in a Neapolitan slum between two university students from completely different worlds. Written directly in Italian, it was published earlier this year by Giunti as Perduti nei Quartieri Spagnoli. This translation into English, which she did herself, is published by HarperCollins.
The book will be available for sale on the day.