A Eden Park per la presentazione dei Community Champions per FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 . Da sinistra Roberta Salamon, Italian Chamber of Commerce in NZ, Alessandra Zecchini, Dante Society Alighieri Auckland, Chiara Corbelletto, Ondazzurra, Flavia Berucci, Dante Alighieri Society Auckland, Rossella Quaranta, Comites Nuova Zelanda. La prima partita dell'Italia (contro Argentina) ad Auckland sarà il 24 luglio! E poi a Wellington il 29 luglio e 2 agosto.
The Italian community representatives at the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 Community Champions Induction event last night in Eden Park. What a wonderful spontaneous party you get when you put so many communities under one roof! But most of all how exciting that the Women World Cup is coming up in just three months' time! We can’t wait to welcome our team
le Azzurre 

and all the other national teams too, for some great games, and an even bigger international party!