Welcome to New Zealand to the Italian team Ugo (Unite Gareggiamo Ovunque) to take part to the IBCPC Dragon Boat Festival. The Festival is held every 3 to 4 years under the auspices of the International Breast Cancer Paddlers’ Commission and is an international non-competitive participatory event for breast cancer paddler teams who engage in Dragonboat activities as post breast cancer diagnosis rehabilitation. For the first time since the establishment of IBCPC in 2010, the festival will take place in the southern hemisphere in New Zealand. All the best to our Italian Team!!! Forza Ragazze!!! 

For the Festival programme click here, the races will be on the 15 and 16 April.
The Dante Italian Language School Società Dante Alighieri Auckland would also like to give a special thank you to our Honorary Consul for Auckland Lindsay Jones for organising the welcoming committee and the goodie bags sponsored by Kapiti Candy Co. and FreshChoice Epsom Epsom